Archivi categoria: Famous Quotes

all a-ha sayd about things and themselves also from biography

Morten about some album track

In Norwegian language from Biography 2004:

  • Magne sovna i en cellokasse! Det var en møkkatid. Vi var så drit allergiske alle tre, og det var en av de verste pollensomrene i manns minne. (the sun always shine son tv period)
    – ”Take on me” er en naturlig, god låt. Vi var hel åpne oss i mellom med Beatles-modellen: la oss først få noen hiter, og så kan vi rule.
  • Det er ikke nødvendingvis min all time favoritt. Men jo: måtte jeg velge, er det nok den. Hele pakka. Stemningen og spenningene i låta. Det er en låt som mobiliserer. Det hadde vært mulig å lage en kanon single av den i ny innspilling. Den blir stående igjen som et bevis på hvorfor vi har holdt på som vi har. Det er litt det samme jeg følte da Magne skrev lifelines. “Scoundrel days” er en plata som likner desidert mest på demoene våre. Den er bare en videreføring av demoene. Den solgte ikke på langt nær så mye som Hunting high and low. Den krever mer. Derfor er den også blitt en darling for mange. Den var en overraskelse. Plateselskapet visste ikke hvordan de skulle håndtere den: ”hva er det som skjer her?”
  • Jeg har aldri hatt problemer med å synge ”stay on these roads”. Men melodien og lagferdigheten i den var allerede skrevet. Det er ikke et vaskelig refreng å synge i det hele tatt. Jeg har heller aldri ment at det er er en dårlig tekst, for jeg har aldri skjønt den.
  • Den første plata som virkelig led under mindreverdighetskompleksene til bandet. Senvirkninger av å blitt smurt inn med tenårinsgelé over tid. Det skulle gjøres skippertak på å syngekulere, hente fra andre sider. Men det er ikke sånn jeg kan jobbe. Jeg synger naturlig til den låta jeg får i fanget. Det som skjer, det skjer. Det var Pauls og Magnes trip. Jeg følte instinktivt at det var galt, men forsøkte jo å følge det. Jeg kunne jo ta feil. Det vi skulle gjort var å sette oss tilbake og gjøre det som kom naturlig. (east ofthe sun and west of the moon period)
  • Det er sterkt materiale. Men det ligger en underlegenhet der. Vi er en struts som prøver å fly. Og det funker ikke. Du må tørre å være det su er. Eller blir det ikke genuint. Låtmaterialet er bra nok, men det er forsøkt dyttet i en bestemt retning. Det er ikke ærling, rett og slett. (memorial beach period)
  • Produsenten David Z, var egentling veldig bra og gjorde noen tøffe ting. Men det stanset Paul reslutt. Han drepte gnisten til David Z. Spenningsforholdet i maktbalansen mellom Paul og Magne var også på det sterkeste, før Magne gjorde en form for opprør. (memorial beach period)
  • ”Forever not yours” er en av låtene som er med på å summere oss opp. Melankolsk, og samtidig oppløftende, soaring. Det hadde vært fint om vi hadde skrevet den alle tre, men det er også fint at det er Magne og jeg som har gjort det. Magne skrev også ”Lifelines” en låt og en video som går utenpå det meste. Det er Magne all the way. Det er en kongelåt, en låt som gjorat de der ute er nødt til å regne med oss. Enten det er Coldplay-gutter eller andre som er i gaet, så hører de at vi fortsatt er på banen.
  • Turn the light down” endte opp som en søtsuppe-ballade. Den kunne virkelig blitt en killer. Magne skrev en del som var veldig viktig. Men den endte opp med å bli noe den absolutt ikke skulle være. For meg er den låt helt vanskjøttet, og det mener Paul også.men der hadde ikke jeg evnen og roen til å sette meg ned og vise hva jeg mente. Det er en låt jeg vet vi kunne tatt veldig langt. Det er det samme med ”oranges on appletrees” den er produsert helt feil. Den skulle vært produsert i sopprus. Det er flere låter som lider av hvordan de ble produsert, og det er veldig synd.
  • Låtene Paul har levert på denne plata har alle veldig interessante partier, men så er de helt uforløste. De har ikke en refreng som vil gå noen vei. Det tas ikke videre. Det skjedde med alle, bortsett fra ”Time and again” og ”Did anyone approach you” de to er rett hjem, og blant det beste på plata. Resten ligger et godt stykke ned i kjelleren. Jeg ville ikke synge det inn engang. Jeg ville ikke fordi jeg ikke gidder å gå inn i seige diskusjoner om låter jeg i utgangspunktet vet ikke har noe på plata å gjøre. Men jeg endteopp med å gjøre det, og med å få helt rett. Jeg vet hva jeg forventer av Paul og hva han er i stand til å gjøre. Men det er opp til ham å levere. Han levert 8-10 låter til den plata der elementer var ting jeg ville vært stolt av å gjøre, men så var det ikek forløst.
  • Kampen med Paul har gjort at Magne noen ganger er vnskeligere å ha med å gjøre enn Paul none ganger har vært. Magne gikk for langt i å presse inn låter. Det ble et privat prosjekt for ham. Han skulle kjøre et sololøp og ga etter hvert faen også i meg. Han manglet avstand. Vi endte med et album med for mange av både pauls og Magnes låter. Det skulle vært skåret vekk. De låtene som burde vært skåret vekk tilhører de to. Det er min oppfatning av balansen på plata. Det burde vært 9-10, maks 11 låter. (Lifelines period)

Morten’s fact

The facts so far (from a facebook page)

MHF #1: Morten Harket can discuss the existence of God
while simultaneously singing a 20 second note and saving East Timor.

MHF #2: Morten Harket can sing in Norwegian and
English. At the same time. AND YOU WILL LOVE IT.

MHF #3: When the temperature goes up, it’s not because of global weather patterns. Morten Harket just happened to smile.

MHF #4: Norway is cold to compensate for the hotness that is Morten Harket.

MHF #5: Morten Harket can walk, talk, chew gum, and sing a high F all at the same time–and look better than you while doing it.

MHF #6: When you suddenly get shivers in the middle of a hot day, it’s because Morten Harket breathed in your direction.

MHF #7: Morten Harket gave People Magazine permission to use his middle name on a yearly basis–which why they have a “Sexiest Man Alive” issue every year. He’s already recognized, so really it’s just the runners-up every year. Sorry, Johnny Depp.

MHF #8: Morten Harket is ambidexturous. In his feet.

MHF #9: Morten Harket doesn’t need x-ray vision. You know why.

MHF #10: The sun doesn’t always shine on TV. But it does always shine where Morten Harket is.

MHF #11: Morten Harket could close the case on Silver Shore. If he wanted to.

MHF #12: Morten Harket can play a mean guitar solo …. on a tambourine.

MHF #13: Scientists have discovered that all aprodisiacs contain the same chemical. The highest known concentration of that chemical has been verified to be Morten Harket’s sweat.

MHF #14: Morten Harket can do things with his voice that most men can’t do with their hands.

MHF #15: If it’s question of lust, the answer is Morten Harket.

MHF #16: Morten Harket knows the outcome of this sunny mystery.

MHF #17: Morten Harket’s hair is one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World.

MHF #18: When a meteor plummets to the Earth, it’s because it wanted to be closer to Morten Harket. (Nicole White)

MHF #19: Morten’s eyes are classified as dangerous weapons in some countries. (Nicole White)

MHF #20: The sun breaking through the rain clouds doesn’t make Morten smile, rather it’s the other way around.

MHF #21: Morten Harket is the blood that moves YOUR body! (Claudia Manfredini)

MHF #22: There’s an old joke that Superman has Chuck Norris pajamas. Well, guess who has a Morten Harket pillowcase?

MHF #23: Morten Harket is the most beautiful man in the world. He’s also the most beautiful woman in the world, because he’s just that good.

MHF #24: Norway is not a monarchy–it’s a Mortenocracy.

MHF #25: Morten Harket can grow oranges on apple trees.

MHF #26: If Morten Harket thought that it was you–it was.

MHF #27: Summer moved on because Morten Harket wanted to go skiing.

MHF #28: God created the earth to give Morten Harket something to stand on.

MHF #29: You can excuse your infidelity in one case only… It’s Morten Harket! (Kristina Poskaite)

MHF #30: Hiding out in the salad bar will get Morten Harket far. (A little “Cosy Prisons” joke!)

MHF #31: Morten Harket’s first words were “thank you all so much”. He didn’t say anything else that day.
(But we love him even though he doesn’t talk much

MHF #32: The lower registers of Morten Harket’s voice can bring women in the audience to the brink of orgasm. Why only the brink? Because he’s a gentleman.

MHF #33: Morten Harket doesn’t wear hats much; darned halo keeps getting in the way. (Nicole White)

MHF #34: When Morten Harket wants to collect butterflies, he doesn’t need a net; he just stares at them with those stunning blue eyes and they fall out of the sky at his feet. (Nicole White) But when he wants to give them a sporting chance he uses a net. While blindfolded. (Alisha)

MHF #35: Morten Harket doesn’t have to try to stay on these roads. The roads follow him.

MHF #36: When Morten Harket walks across a lawn, orchids spring up behind him.

MHF #37: Morten Harket knows when you are sleeping, and when you’re awake. He also knows when you’re thinking naughty thoughts about him, but that’s not a superpower–just a matter of it being a day that ends in “y”.

MHF #38: Your life is a canvas–the colors are Morten Harket. (I was listening to “White Canvas”!)

MHF #39: A man once tried to sell his soul to the devil for the perfect face and body. The devil had to decline because Morten Harket already exists. (Got the idea from a comment by Holly Masterson!)

MHF #40: In order to bring sexy back, Justin Timberlake had to borrow it from Morten Harket.

MHF #41: The time travel scenes in the “Angel In The Snow” video aren’t camera tricks. Morten Harket actually did that.

MHF #42: Edward Cullen is on Team Morten.

MHF #43: When Morten Harket sings “wave good-bye” you can damn be sure everyone is! (Mi Rose)

MHF #44: Morten Harket uses the sun as a mirror.

MHF #45: Morten Harket is keeping you here. (Another lyric joke, ha ha. I made a funny!)

MHF #46: Morten Harket’s eyes aren’t as blue as the sky, rather the sky is doing its best to come close to his color. (Mi Rose)

MHF #47: Morten Harket could kick Chuck Norris’ a**. This isn’t because he’s stronger, necessarily, but because even Chuck doesn’t want to mess up that face.

MHF #48: Morten Harket doesn’t use product in his hair. It just does that.

MHF #49: Morten Harket doesn’t get sick, sick gets Morten Harket.
(Thought this one was timely!

MHF #50: “Holy Ground” is not only the name of a song, but a description of Morten Harket’s bedroom.

MHF #51: Morten Harket doesn’t need a poker face. Everyone else loses just to see him smile.

MHF #52: You’ll never get over Morten Harket, but if you’re very lucky he’ll get under you.
MHF #53: The Captain’s got a little Morten Harket in him.

MHF #54: The “Abs Of Steel” and “Buns Of Steel” videos aren’t technically committing trademark violations–but only because Morten Harket’s trademarks are in Norwegian.

MHF #55: The Shadowside: anywhere Morten Harket ISN’T. (Nicole White)

MHF #56: Morten Harket: the REAL real meaning of the sun. (Nicole White)

MHF #57: There is no scalp under Morten Harket’s hair – only more glorious, glorious hair.

MHF #58: Chuck Norris can believe it’s not butter, but Morten Harket can MAKE IT butter.

MHF #59: The Palme case is not actually unsolved–Morten Harket knows who did it. But because his knowledge is divine rather than evidentiary, the police can’t use it.

MHF #60: Morten Harket’s charisma can be seen from outer space. (Nicole White)

MHF #61: Ellen Degeneres is straight now; she just met Morten Harket. (Nicole White)

MHF #62: Morten took a trip to the Artic Circle once. And people wonder why the polar ice cap is melting? (Global warming; yeah right!) (Nicole White)

MHF #63: Clearly, Morten Harket can hypnotize you with his eyes. Lesser known fact: he can also hypnotize you with his eyebrows.

MHF #64: Morten Harket can play the cymbals with his pectoral muscles.

MHF #65: Morten Harket is a national treasure. No matter what country you’re in.

MHF #66: It’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you, and it’s not vanity if you’re really Morten Harket.

MHF #67: Morten Harket can sleep with your voice in his head. The other way around, well, that’s your problem.

MHF #68: There are two kinds of men: Morten Harket and the rest. (Di Harket)

MHF #69: Morten Harket is like a good cup of coffee…good, rich, hot and just like coffee, he can keep you awake all night long. (Di Harket)

MHF #70: Morten Harket is considered the eighth wonder. (Di Harket)

MHF #71: Morten Harket is like a portable heater.(Di Harket)

MHF #72: Many of us would quit shopping if Morten was by our side. (I would) (Di Harket)

MHF #73: All of us agree that Morten Harket is Mr. Right. (Di Harket)

MHF #74: Morten is a macho who does not have to prove mucho. (Di Harket)

MHF #75: Morten Harket is the best cure for a broken heart.(Di Harket)

MHF #76: Jesus can turn water into wine, and Morten Harket can turn anything into sexy.

MHF #77: Morten Harket could probably walk on water, but don’t encourage him to try–wouldn’t we rather see him dripping with it?

MHF #78: Sex without Morten Harket’s love is like food without taste. (Di Harket)

MHF #79: The secret to a happy marriage remained unanswered…until Morten Harket was born. (Di Harket)

MHF #80: Since Morten Harket came on the scene, God has had to get used to women not speaking to him as often. (Oh my Harket!)

MHF #81: If you sleep with Morten Harket, isn’t it redundant to say you saw God?

MHF #82: Warning! Excessive use of Morten Harket can lead to a pregnancy.
If not, ask his wife or former wives. (Di Harket)

MHF #83: Morten Harket’s “treasure trail” leads to real treasure.

MHF #84: Life insurance companies have not included the Morten Harket effect, right? (Di Harket)

MHF #85: Morten Harket’s body is a wonderland.

MHF #86: Only Morten Harket can prevent forest fires.

MHF #87: Morten Harket’s voice can repair shattered crystal.

MHF #88: Morten Harket’s smile is a weapon of mass distraction.

MHF #89: If Morten Harket has a bald spot, you can bet he’s got a damn good reason for it.

MHF #90: If Morten Harket were to drink a liter of Diet
Coke and immediately swallow a packet of Mentos, all that would happen
is he could belch the long note from “Summer Moved On”.

MHF #91: Morten Harket doesn’t get mad, and he doesn’t get
even. He just gets more handsome.

MHF #92: While making the “Summer Moved On” video, the producers considered using video tricks for the effects of the sun rising and falling. In the end, though, it was easier just to have Morten Harket move the sun himself.

MHF #93: Chuck Norris has the Roundhouse Kick; Morten has the Roundhouse Smile. They both pretty much have the same effect. (Nicole White)

MHF #94: Everything King Midas touches turns to gold. Everything Morten Harket touches turns into a weak-kneed screaming teenage girl.

MHF #95: One time, at band camp, Morten Harket sang all the instrumental parts to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. He got a standing ovation.

MHF #96: Morten Harket knows his job isn’t done until she hits the E5 note from “Take On Me”.

MHF #97: Sticks and stones may break your bones, but
Morten Harket singing directly to you will melt them down into
your socks.

MHF #98: Why did the chicken cross the road? Because the chicken saw Morten Harket coming. (Di Harket)

MHF #99: One does not believe in love at first sight until you meet Morten Harket. (Di Harket)

MHF #100: If loving Morten Harket was a job, there would not be unemployment. (Di Harket)

MHF #101: Morten has been living in my heart and mind for years and he does not pay rent. (Di Harket)

MHF #102: After meeting Morten Harket, I had to buy a dictionary because he left me speechless. (Di Harket)

MHF #103: Morten can turn you into a thief. Once you meet him you want to steal his heart. (Di Harket)

MHF #104: Morten Harket can sing with his ears.

MHF #105: We do not have breakfast because we are thinking about Morten Harket,
We do not have lunch because we are thinking about Morten Harket,
We do not have dinner because we are thinking about Morten Harket,
and then we cannot sleep because we are hungry! (Di Harket)

MHF #106: Morten Harket has a certain effect on women. Wait … umm … what’s my name again?

MHF #107: You can’t say “Morten Harket” without saying “more”! (Mi Rose)

MHF #108: In that infamous scene in “When Harry Met Sally”, Meg Ryan was thinking of Morten Harket. It wasn’t fake.

MHF #109: There’s no hole in the “O” zone when Morten Harket is around! (Mi Rose)

MHF #110: With Morten Harket, who needs good weather? (Di Harket)

MHF #111: Smiling is the second best thing Morten Harket can do with his lips. (Belinda Grooviechickie)

MHF #112: Morten Harket can drink straight lemon juice–by the time it hits his tastebuds, it’s lemonade.

MHF #113: The happiest place on Earth? Morten Harket’s bedroom, of course! (And you thought it was Disneyworld.) (Nicole White)

MHF #114: Morten Harket has a sign over his bed. It says “Welcome to the Magic”. (Nicole White)

MHF #115: Morten Harket has been quoted as saying, “I only ever dance with my tongue”. I’m not sure what he meant by that but I’ve been having fun trying to figure it out. (Nicole White)

MHF #116: The living’s in the way Morten Harket’s hair is dyed.

MHF #117: Morten Harket is Helen Keller’s favorite singer.

MHF #118: Morten Harket doesn’t have to carve notches in his bedpost. The women do it themselves.

MHF #119: Captain Jack Sparrow’s magic compass was pointing the way to Morten Harket.

MHF #120: A normal man with Morten Harket’s muscles could do a hundred push-ups. Morten can only do ten, though, because gravity increases with every one–the earth just doesn’t want to let him go!

MHF #121: Morten Harket is first in our hearts–but he always comes second in our dreams!

MHF #122: Love is reason enough, and so is Morten Harket.

MHF #123: Rain exists to water Morten Harket’s orchids. All that other plant stuff is just an accident.

MHF #124: To err is human; to mess up lyrics but look adorable while doing it is Morten Harket.


Morten’s curiosity


He’s always in late – He drinks very much – He’s often out of tunes – He doens’t wash sokkers ‘cause he uses to throw them

He doesn’t remember song’s lyrics ‘cause he thinks other things while singing, which phone calls he must do for example…

He stand up first at h. 6.30 in the morning so he sleeps again to h. 9.15

How he dresses: Skin’s dress, norwegian sweater, old t-shirts and all is always black
vice, tight jeans

He closes with hands his ears often to hear his voice better

What people say good about him: He has a sexy smile
What people say bad about him : He has too many veins on the arms

Incidents :
1999 Summer with Motorcycle and Aqua’s Lene was with him too, nothing worst
2000 Xmas with car there was ice on the road and he drove too fast

What he does at home: He likes to wash dishes
What he does in hotel: He like order in his room

Animals he had: He has an acquarium with many weird fishes and lobster, he had a saluki dog
What he doesn’t like to eat : Potatoes

Benefic actions : East Timor’s indipendence, Amasonian forrest conservation, National park of Maldive

LIES I never lie but everything I say is a lie
DRUG It obscures emotions and it darkens brain, I hate it because it steals your life
FAME It’s nothing special and the way that media presents the fame it’s wrong
MUSIC Uriah Heep changed my life with their music, a bandmaster in a parade tok me on his shoulders when he saw that I was interested in his musi, I was 3 years old only
ENGLAND In the beginning we eated only bad fish & chips and english men laugh when we say that we are from Norway
FRIENDS They are the same I had in Norway, but now it’s most difficult to meet them then before, when I can I like to skiing with them
SCHOOL It was hard but learned me many things, I was a disaster, the other students beated me, theachers didn’t understand my problems, I falled in love with my theacher when I was 7 years old
RELIGION I believe in God, I didn’t want to be a priest but I have a big interest in the Holy Bible, I must feel something special before to make love with a woman
LENE NYSTRØM (AQUA) It was she who kissed me at the Spellemann prize in 1998
HIS PHOTOS Photos are an affront for my creative sense. I think to be a meat-ball in most of them
HIMSELF I think to fall in love too much with a lot of things. My selfdiscipline is terrible when I must work. I’ve always a general vision of music and things, I see borders, plans but I can’t organise me to do something about them
MINI-SKIRT I’ve never seen one that likes me
NATURE I like to climb trees, in Hide Park London, a policeman fined me, I like to feel good with nature, I could stay for hours and hours to contemplate it in absolut silence
WAR I hate that strongest people win always against poors, but without America we all have a foot in a grave
COMPUTER I don’t like it
FANS they are like animals in a zoo during concerts
URIAH HEEP my life changed with listening their music

What women say about him: HE’S A BIG PIG

The most beautiful thing about Morten is that he’s united with himself. He believes strongly in everythings he does. This is for the band too and so we don’t need to do it. Morten uses courage in his persuasions and nothing can disturb him. He’s an expert and he obtains always the last word in a dialogue, either he has reason or not. He’s a very loyal person and disposable because he gives many possibility to all persons he meets. He likes to understand who they are and what are their’s imports, their’s merits. Yes, this is what he does before to say something about a person. “Morten has an impressive voice and makes certain emotions very accessible to people. They want to listen to him because of his voice.”“With Morten, it can end up with only you and him talking for eight hours some evening. When he`s focussed on you, he`s an insanely interesting and deliberative guy. When he interacts with someone else, it feels like he`s uninterested in what you`re doing.”

He’s very different from us. When we came for thr first time in London together, Morten burned all my dresses and dress me again from head to feet. I don’t pay attention for dresses, while he’s very interesting in. Morten is my trustful, he heartens me to speak with people, to be not sad and to use my capacities. he’s one of the norwegians who has so many ambitions then I have. We to have a big ego I think. At all either I or he live in the deep of our little world, while Mags must often stay in the middle beetween Morten and me. It’s beautiful that we are so different but we respect each other. Tensions beetween us result creative. “Morten`s voice is unique.”

Other things Morten speaks about:

” A day without Herring…Is like a day without, Sunshine!…URP!”
(overheard at the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize Award luncheon)
“I feel that I could mount virtually any woman in the world.
My sex drive is very strong, stronger than most men, I think.”
“I think that having a strong sense of identity helped me cope with it all –
I believe that all you learn through life remains with you, somewhere deep inside.”
“Is it OK that women also objectify you without you taking it as an infringement on your personae?”
…………..”Yes, naturally. They have a right to do that. And they do.
I go around with the same crushes myself. I can have little affairs
(of the mind) with someone I see out there in the crowd.”
“Our last tour attracted a larger audience than ever before. Therefore,
there must be a lot of new fans, because I don’t want to believe that the oldfans
bred like rabbits and are now using a whip to drive their kids to our concerts.”
“We’re going to take a one-legged detour…Time for bed!”-Valhall 2000
“I believe that a-ha’s music appeals to those people, who believe in the power of dreams,
just like we do.”
“I think women want a guy that is wild enough that they can’t completely capture him,
but who at the same time is kind at his core.
He must have courage enough to listen to his own inner voice, and it is from this he gets his vigor.
What girls don’t need is yet another child to take care of.”
About the FNY video…”No, no, us. We are actually using doubles for ourselves.
We cost so much and Lenny Kravitz and Madonna were already there,
that we couldn’t afford ourselves in it. Tough life.” (laughs)
And older one: “You want to know if I have a girlfriend?
You can better ask my girlfriend whether she has a boyfriend.”
Does he like mini-skirts?…”I’ve never seen one that likes me”
girls give me energy
I just want to be in a position where I can listen.
A state of mind where I can feel that I hate the indifference.
That is whats killing the earth. That is what killed the people of East-Timor.
Indifference is much worse than rage. Because rage isn
t cold; it has a high temperature.
One should rather commit a doubtful act in a state of furious excitement, than with a cold sagacity.
Jesus talked about this: “How I wish you were either one or the other! But because you are barely warm, neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out of my mouth!”. [Rev 3: 15, 16]”
life comes into being in the boundary between chaos an order
‘Sometimes horny like now…’ From the song ‘Girl’

Hvor mye hoeyer er du???
182 cm staa – 30 cm legge

Morten about Jan “Jan has both psychic and healing powers. I was never interested in the mystical, astrology, fortune-tellers and the like. But things occur that I just have to accept. Jan turns into the different meridians in the body, and finds out where there are blockages. He doesn`t change the actual system of the body, but changes how the system relates itself to itself. He reboots the computer, in a way. I`ve never been healed before or since. It wasn`t something I went looking for, it was a pure coincidence.” “I can unreservedly say that I`m so much better off when I have access to what Jan does. What people think, I don`t give a shit about.”

Sven Persson about Morten
“Morten has a gift from God, but hes almost never satisfied. Ill be damned if there is another singer in the world like him. When it clicks perfectly, its magic.”
<strong>Per Lindvall about Morten</strong>
“I remember a concert on the Wild Seed-Tour with Morten. We played a fantastic gig. Morten was great. But he wasn
t satisfied at all. At that point, something died inside me.“
Henning Kramer Dahl about Morten
“Morten was a world-famous star in his own universe long before he became a star in the world the rest of us inhabit.”
„He has a child’s curiosity about life. Even at 40 he’s not getting old. But he’s not young either. He’s just timeless.”
Anne-Mette about Morten
“When hes going to tell me something at home, Ive learned not to respond after two sentences. Because he never gets to the point until the end. He talks while hes thinking. If you stop him in the middle, he unravels.”
“Morten doesn
t always manage to see all the projects he starts through to the end. He gets a few too many ideas about what he can do. And everything has to be perfect. Hes not the best one at structuring his time or the use of other peoples time. He doesnt like doing things halfway. Hes always there for his children, and then again, he isnt. “
Sigurjon Einarsson about Morten
“Theres always been yes-men around Morten. But they tend to fall away after a while. He likes having sparing partners who dare to speak out. But Morten is such that he always has to have the last word.”
“Morten doesn
t do practical things. He has other to do that for him. Partly because its not in his nature. But also because the most ordinary daily chores become big projects for him. He cant do anything without really thinking it through. Going to the store is a major operation for him.”
Jan Omdahl about Morten
“Morten isnt as strange as people think. Hes much stranger. Hes also nicer, kinder and smarter. His social I.Q. is higher than many think, with a radar that picks up on most signals – including his own social faux pas. Morten definately has his blind spots, and can at times seem like hes on another planet. But most of the time – by far – when he really puts his foot in it, its on purpose. Morten can be almost self-destructive socially, but he thinks thats his right.”

Morten’s italian quotes

1 – E’ stata Lene a baciarmi
2 – La fama non è niente di speciale e il modo in cui i media la presentano è tutto sbagliato
3 –  La mia vita è cambiata con la musica degli Uriah Heep
4 – Credo di innamorarmi troppo e di troppe cose. La mia autodisciplina è terribile quando si tratta di lavorare. Ho sempre una visione generale della musica e delle cose, ne vedo i contorni, gli schemi ma non riesco a organizzarmi per fare qualcosa rispetto a questi
5 –  I servizi fotografici sono un insulto al mio gusto creativo, mi sembra di essere una polpetta nella maggior parte di essi
6 –  La sua era dura ma mi ha insegnato molto, gli alunni mi pestavano e gli insegnanti non capivano i miei problemi. Ero un disastro. Mi sono innamorato della mia maestra quando avevo 7 anni
7 –  In Inghilterra abbiamo mangiato schifosissimi fish & chips per mesi e mesi soltanto
8 – Non ho mai visto una minigonna che mi piacesse
9 –  Non voglio diventar prete, ma sono molto interessato alla Bibbia, devo davvero provare qualcosa per una donna prima di andarci a letto
10 – Mi piace arrampicarmi sugli alberi, ad Hyde Park ho preso una multa
11 –  Le fans ai concerti sembrano animali da zoo
12 – Il capobanda del corteo mi prese sulle spalle perché vedeva che io seguivo ammirato la musica
13 – Gli amici sono gli stessi che avevo prima, è diventato difficile frequentarli, ma quando posso spero sempre di incontrarli in un giro sugli sci in Norvegia
14 – Odio che gli uomini più forti vincano sempre sui poveri, ma senza l’America abbiamo tutti un piede nella fossa